Friday, October 8, 2021

I will start your nonprofit and get 501c3 irs tax exempt approved


Basic - $20

I will complete your state registration (articles of incorporation). You will choose if you want me to file it online for you or if you want me to complete the mail in form for you to mail in yourself. NOTE- If you choose for me to file online for you, the state filing fee will be added to the order.

Standard- $35

BASIC + Bylaws and Conflict of Interest Policy

Premium -$130

STANDARD + 501c3 Application completed for you directly in your account. You will be able to login to your account, pay, and submit the application directly to the IRS.

For 501c3, you will pick between 1023 EZ or full:

The IRS charges $275 for the EZ and $600 for the full. The EZ takes up to 90 days for approval and full takes up to 180 days for approval. The stipulation with the EZ is that your nonprofit cannot gross more than $50,000 in any of the first 3 years.

Hospitals/clinics, churches, schools, or if you provide financial literacy - MUST FILE 1023 FULL


Video Explanation - $50

Board Member Package- $50

Business Plan w/ full financial model- $175

Grant Proposal - $60

Fundraising Pack (sponsorship letter, fundraising letter, and thank you letter - $75

Financial Model - $40

Link: Business plan

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